Tired but Blessed Mommy
A blog about the joys of being a wife, mother and homemaker.

Monday, March 21, 2011
Don't Compare Me!?
Don't compare me to the neighbor mom, or the church mom, or the PTO mom. Or the lady that has 10 extremely well behaved children or the lady that has 1 extremely bad child. Don't compare me to the mom on TV or to supermodel mom. Don't compare me to the mom that is happy-go-lucky or to the mom who plays all day with her children. Don't compare me to the mom that has a facebook account or to the one who doesn't. Don't compare me to the thin mom or the not-so-thin mom. Don't compare me to the mom who has it all or to the one who doesn't. This is the conversation I have with MYSELF daily. I try not to compare myself but I do, instead I need to see myself in the eyes of the ONE who made me. To Him , I am beautiful, perfect and a wonderful mother. That's all that matters.
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Why I love being a Stay at Home Mom!
I absolutely love be a SAHM! It is the most rewarding job I ever had. No, I get no days off (although I do get an occasional girls' night out) or pay, but the time spent with my children is worth it! I loved when I was growing up, my mom was always there in the summer and when I came home from school. It was my security. I get the argument.."well I just can't afford to stay at home" Well first of all, get rid of the things you don't need including cable and eating out. We eat out only 1x a month. Calculate the gas to get back and forth to work and the babysitting when you are at work. If you have to, sell your 2nd vehicle and put back that money to live off of for a few months. Also recheck the activities you have your children in, if they cost money, get them out of them or at least cut back to 1 thing. Your child will survive not being in every sport or activity. In fact, your family life will probably flourish. Titus 2 says women are supposed to be "keepers of the home" which means your home and those in it should be your #1 priority, (besides God) not your career. And if you say "well I just couldn't be with my kids all day" , not to be rude, but that's just sad. I do not know of one single person on their death bed who wish they would have had more money or prestige. They want to be with their family a little longer , hug them a little tighter. I completely understand there are single mothers who need to work, but if you have a 2-parent household please stay home with your kids...you will not regret it and neither will your kids. Until next time, Enjoy God's Blessings Today, Tina
Friday, February 18, 2011
New Adventures
My children only have 76 more days of public school and I will be a homeschooling mom. I just had to say it! I will post another blog about why I made that decision. But in the mean time, enjoy Courtney as she has a 5 pt. series on homeschooling..until next time, Enjoy God's Blessings Today, Tina
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Friday, December 24, 2010
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Being Thankful
Today we (me and the kids) made thankful crowns made from construction paper. So when I asked the kids to write on their crowns what they are thankful for, the two oldest said "God and Family" , the 3 year old said she was thankful for her brother and sister. How great is it to know that my kids are thankful for each other and our God. What am I thankful for...well it couldn't fit on a "crown" so I decided to share a few things.
1. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,who without Him I am nothing.
2. My wonderful husband, who works so hard that I am able to stay home and take care of my kids and the home. I know that we are One and that we can trust and be ourselves with each other.
3. For my children, they are one of the reasons I am on this earth.
4. For our health,we are healthy and happy.
5. For my friends, who bring out the best in me.
6. For my church, that gives me a place to learn and grow.
7. For my family,a place where I can be myself.
8. For my house, it may not be the biggest or the best, but it's filled with love.
9.For my husband's job, that it (with God) provides for us
10. Again for my faith in Jesus Christ ,that with faith....ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
Have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving everyone!
Enjoy God's Blessings today, TINA
1. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ,who without Him I am nothing.
2. My wonderful husband, who works so hard that I am able to stay home and take care of my kids and the home. I know that we are One and that we can trust and be ourselves with each other.
3. For my children, they are one of the reasons I am on this earth.
4. For our health,we are healthy and happy.
5. For my friends, who bring out the best in me.
6. For my church, that gives me a place to learn and grow.
7. For my family,a place where I can be myself.
8. For my house, it may not be the biggest or the best, but it's filled with love.
9.For my husband's job, that it (with God) provides for us
10. Again for my faith in Jesus Christ ,that with faith....ANYTHING IS POSSIBLE!
Have a blessed and safe Thanksgiving everyone!
Enjoy God's Blessings today, TINA
Monday, October 25, 2010
Making Our Home a Haven Challenge week 4
With the music playing, your candle lit and your clutter areas clean , lets move on to family fun. That's what the challenge is this week over at Courtney's website http://womenlivingwell-courtney.blogspot.com/2010/09/making-your-home-haven-fall-challenge.html . Sharing tender moments with your family..whether you work or stay at home, I know how hard it is to carve some 'fun' time with the family. Last week was my daughter's 9th birthday and my family asked me what she wanted for a gift. I said 'board games , board games and more board games!" We love to play games with the family, in fact every evening we play a board game right before bedtime. Lately it has been the game Trouble since Ashley got that for her birthday. Other things we love to do is take walks , throw the football outside and turn on the music and dance.. the kid's think the 80's genre of music is hilarious. We have neighbors that live across from us, they are a very quiet elderly couple and even though we have lived here 4 years , we haven't talked to them very much. They prefer to keep to themselves and that's fine. Although the other day, the neighbor stopped my husband and said " I enjoy seeing your family, it's so refreshing to see a family that is always together, whether you are going away or playing outside, I can tell you all really love each other" I have to tell you that is one of the greatest compliments I ever received. She could tell that our home is a haven to our family and that we love being together. Remember when you don't think anyone is looking ...they just might be. So now you need to get off of the computer and go have some fun with your family..Enjoy!! Enjoy God's Blessings today! -Tina
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