I thought since this is my first blog entry. I would tell you a little about myself.
25.I have 3 adorable children
24.I have been married for 10 years to my wonderful hubby.
23.Out of all the jobs I have had being a stay-at-home Mom is the best.
22. I love to face book.
21. My favorite food is frozen snickers.
20. I went to school with my husband from elementary school on up, but never talked to him until 2 years after I graduated.
19. My goal is to go back to college someday.
18. I would love to work in the health care industry.
17. My husband and I got engaged after 5 weeks of dating.
16.I love to read all types of books from parenting to self-help to Twilight/Harry Potter
15. I always have to read the book first before I see the movie most of the time.
14.I home schooled my daughter in Kindergarten , but decided to send my children to public school after the 1st year. But I am a big supporter of education choice.
13. I am a republican.
12. I attend a great church where I get to be w/those who love the Lord.
11. I love to buy shoes:)
10. We are hoping to be completely out of debt in 7 years. (including mortgage)
9. We live in Pa...but my dream would be to live in New York city..love that place:)
8.My guilty pleasure is UFC.
7. I am a early riser.
6.I love the K.C. Chiefs
5. I am most happy when I am with my family.
4. My favorite restaurant is Red Robin ...love their Cobb Salad
3. I would love to learn to knit or sew..but have failed at a few attempts.
2. I got pregnant w/my 3rd child AFTER I had a tubal ligation a year before.
1. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ...without Him I am nothing.
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