Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. (NIV)
Tomorrow we celebrate Father's Day. I decided to tell you about my children's father and my wonderful hubby. My husband did not grow up in "ideal" circumstances. He was abused by his father on a daily basis. So when I decided that he was the "one", I heard alot of negativity from others. They said "that he would be just like his father","that abuse is heredity and usually carries from one family to the next". I didn't and couldn't believe them, although I understand their concern. After 8 months of marriage I found out I was pregnant with our first child. He was happy, especially when he found out it was a girl...yes HE wanted a girl. He was a great father taking his share of diaper changes, feedings and night wakings. 8 months later,I found I was pregnant AGAIN!. This time when we found out it was a boy, he was very hesitate. He was so scared that he would treat his son the same way he was treated at home. I told him that is shouldn't worry about his insecurities and that he would be a great role model for his son. And he is an absolute wonderful father to ALL 3 of his children. On any given day, you will see him playing football, video games and Legos with his son. Also he plays board games , card games and colors with his daughters. He lives his life as a true example of a Godly father. And knows that even though he didn't (and still doesn't) have a reliable earthy father, he knows that his Heavenly Father loves him and believes in him and sees the best in him. So to him I say Happy Father's Day!
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