Monday, June 28, 2010
Marriage Challenge Week #3- Praying for my husband daily
This week's challenge is to pray for my husband daily and to ask him if there is anything I need to pray for him about. Wow this is a big challenge for me. I chose to take a topic daily and pray for him. It can be for his job, his role as a husband and father and even for his self-image.( Which I tell him that he has nothing to worry about because I think he's hot! LOL) I also tend to fast 1x a month for him. I am so ready to see God move in his life.
Monday, June 21, 2010
Keeping the Marriage Covenant
1. Matthew 19:6 says "what God has joined together, let man not separate." (exception: look at Matthew 19:9)
2. Malachi 2:14 says God is a witness to our marriage covenant.
3. Ephesians 5:22-33 says marriage is a picture of Christ and the church.
The Completing him Challenge week 3 - Remember Our Sacred vows.
On May 20,2000 on a rainy day...I took my vows to become one with my knight in shining armor. Yeah I know that sounds corny..but I truly believe it. We got married in a church from the town we grew up in and I had the pleasure of having my great-uncle marry us.
I cried so much during the ceremony that I don't think anyone could hear what I was saying..my dreams were coming true.
Then off to the reception we went. Our first dance song was "Almost Paradise" from the Footloose soundtrack an oldie but goodie.

Saturday, June 19, 2010
Father's Day Post
Ephesians 6:4
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. (NIV)
Tomorrow we celebrate Father's Day. I decided to tell you about my children's father and my wonderful hubby. My husband did not grow up in "ideal" circumstances. He was abused by his father on a daily basis. So when I decided that he was the "one", I heard alot of negativity from others. They said "that he would be just like his father","that abuse is heredity and usually carries from one family to the next". I didn't and couldn't believe them, although I understand their concern. After 8 months of marriage I found out I was pregnant with our first child. He was happy, especially when he found out it was a girl...yes HE wanted a girl. He was a great father taking his share of diaper changes, feedings and night wakings. 8 months later,I found I was pregnant AGAIN!. This time when we found out it was a boy, he was very hesitate. He was so scared that he would treat his son the same way he was treated at home. I told him that is shouldn't worry about his insecurities and that he would be a great role model for his son. And he is an absolute wonderful father to ALL 3 of his children. On any given day, you will see him playing football, video games and Legos with his son. Also he plays board games , card games and colors with his daughters. He lives his life as a true example of a Godly father. And knows that even though he didn't (and still doesn't) have a reliable earthy father, he knows that his Heavenly Father loves him and believes in him and sees the best in him. So to him I say Happy Father's Day!
Fathers, do not exasperate your children; instead, bring them up in the training and instruction of the Lord. (NIV)
Tomorrow we celebrate Father's Day. I decided to tell you about my children's father and my wonderful hubby. My husband did not grow up in "ideal" circumstances. He was abused by his father on a daily basis. So when I decided that he was the "one", I heard alot of negativity from others. They said "that he would be just like his father","that abuse is heredity and usually carries from one family to the next". I didn't and couldn't believe them, although I understand their concern. After 8 months of marriage I found out I was pregnant with our first child. He was happy, especially when he found out it was a girl...yes HE wanted a girl. He was a great father taking his share of diaper changes, feedings and night wakings. 8 months later,I found I was pregnant AGAIN!. This time when we found out it was a boy, he was very hesitate. He was so scared that he would treat his son the same way he was treated at home. I told him that is shouldn't worry about his insecurities and that he would be a great role model for his son. And he is an absolute wonderful father to ALL 3 of his children. On any given day, you will see him playing football, video games and Legos with his son. Also he plays board games , card games and colors with his daughters. He lives his life as a true example of a Godly father. And knows that even though he didn't (and still doesn't) have a reliable earthy father, he knows that his Heavenly Father loves him and believes in him and sees the best in him. So to him I say Happy Father's Day!
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Enjoying Summer Vacation!
The other day we went to my kids' school to play on their awesome playground. It's all brand new and they have some really neat stuff. Chevelle swung on her first "big girl" swing that day:)
Monday, June 14, 2010
Completing him challenge: week 2
So this week, we are to talk about our "dating"days w/our spouse. Well Rich and I went to the same elementary, middle and high school together and only lived 2miles from each other most of our childhood. Even though we close in distance, we never once talked to each other in school. We were in different cliques (I'm sure you remember those days). Well I was going through a rough break-up and Rich happened to work with my ex. Rich would come into my place of work, which at that time was a grocery store and we would just chit-chat.Rich was going through a divorce and neither of us were really "looking". So after about a few months of small talk I was really started to fall for him. (but I never let anyone know). Well one day he came in on a Saturday and I ask him how his Friday night went. He said he went to the movies, uhhh....my heart sank, he had a girlfriend (or though I thought). I said "well who did you go to the movies with?" He said "no one I went by myself". As my heart was leaping for joy , I handed him my phone number and said "Well if you ever want to go to the movies..give me a call." Yes..that actually means I asked him out. So 3 days later he called and it was a date. Our first date was Dairy Queen sharing blizzards. That evening I went home, knowing that he was the "one". 5 weeks later, I went over to his apartment to visit him and he wasn't home so as I was leaving, he pulled up in the driveway w/his friend. He walked out of his car and walked over to me and said " You know I love you right?" I was thinking...okay..here it is ....the break-up conversation and he was too chicken to do it alone ...that is why he's friend is here. Then he got down on one knee , with a ring in hand and asked me to marry him. Of course I said yes! We spent the next 18 months preparing for our wedding.
So we are supposed to think about some of the things we used to do while dating...that have kind of been sent to the back burner and maybe how we can make it a priority again. Here is one of the things I really miss when we were dating. We used to go to his apartment and order pizza and watch Bruce Lee movies all night. Yeah I know that sounds corny. But I really miss just sitting on the couch watching a movie with him. Now when we do watch a movie ,we have either kids getting out of bed..needing water, bathroom or they just don't want to sleep. I really need to make just cuddling w/him a priority. That may be simple but that is what I miss the most.
So we are supposed to think about some of the things we used to do while dating...that have kind of been sent to the back burner and maybe how we can make it a priority again. Here is one of the things I really miss when we were dating. We used to go to his apartment and order pizza and watch Bruce Lee movies all night. Yeah I know that sounds corny. But I really miss just sitting on the couch watching a movie with him. Now when we do watch a movie ,we have either kids getting out of bed..needing water, bathroom or they just don't want to sleep. I really need to make just cuddling w/him a priority. That may be simple but that is what I miss the most.
Thursday, June 10, 2010
25 things about myself
I thought since this is my first blog entry. I would tell you a little about myself.
25.I have 3 adorable children
24.I have been married for 10 years to my wonderful hubby.
23.Out of all the jobs I have had being a stay-at-home Mom is the best.
22. I love to face book.
21. My favorite food is frozen snickers.
20. I went to school with my husband from elementary school on up, but never talked to him until 2 years after I graduated.
19. My goal is to go back to college someday.
18. I would love to work in the health care industry.
17. My husband and I got engaged after 5 weeks of dating.
16.I love to read all types of books from parenting to self-help to Twilight/Harry Potter
15. I always have to read the book first before I see the movie most of the time.
14.I home schooled my daughter in Kindergarten , but decided to send my children to public school after the 1st year. But I am a big supporter of education choice.
13. I am a republican.
12. I attend a great church where I get to be w/those who love the Lord.
11. I love to buy shoes:)
10. We are hoping to be completely out of debt in 7 years. (including mortgage)
9. We live in Pa...but my dream would be to live in New York city..love that place:)
8.My guilty pleasure is UFC.
7. I am a early riser.
6.I love the K.C. Chiefs
5. I am most happy when I am with my family.
4. My favorite restaurant is Red Robin ...love their Cobb Salad
3. I would love to learn to knit or sew..but have failed at a few attempts.
2. I got pregnant w/my 3rd child AFTER I had a tubal ligation a year before.
1. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ...without Him I am nothing.
25.I have 3 adorable children
24.I have been married for 10 years to my wonderful hubby.
23.Out of all the jobs I have had being a stay-at-home Mom is the best.
22. I love to face book.
21. My favorite food is frozen snickers.
20. I went to school with my husband from elementary school on up, but never talked to him until 2 years after I graduated.
19. My goal is to go back to college someday.
18. I would love to work in the health care industry.
17. My husband and I got engaged after 5 weeks of dating.
16.I love to read all types of books from parenting to self-help to Twilight/Harry Potter
15. I always have to read the book first before I see the movie most of the time.
14.I home schooled my daughter in Kindergarten , but decided to send my children to public school after the 1st year. But I am a big supporter of education choice.
13. I am a republican.
12. I attend a great church where I get to be w/those who love the Lord.
11. I love to buy shoes:)
10. We are hoping to be completely out of debt in 7 years. (including mortgage)
9. We live in Pa...but my dream would be to live in New York city..love that place:)
8.My guilty pleasure is UFC.
7. I am a early riser.
6.I love the K.C. Chiefs
5. I am most happy when I am with my family.
4. My favorite restaurant is Red Robin ...love their Cobb Salad
3. I would love to learn to knit or sew..but have failed at a few attempts.
2. I got pregnant w/my 3rd child AFTER I had a tubal ligation a year before.
1. I have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ...without Him I am nothing.
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